Saturday 11 January 2014

Android phone vs Windows phone

Android or Windows Phone:

Windows Phone 8 is a curated end-to-end experience. It's much closer to iPhone, and BlackBerry than to Android in that respect. And it works well and looks good.
Indeed, in the case of Microsoft-owned Nokia phones, the hardware and software is all made by the same people. So you can be sure that when you purchase a Windows Phone 8 handset it will all work well together - even when it is made by a third-party such as HTC.

This has knock-on effects: there is no software-based security threat vector that we know of in the Windows Phone world. And although there is just one OS for all devices, these days there is a good variety of price points in the Widnows world. You can pick up the Lumia 520 for less than £100, for instance. That's great for a quality smartphone.
about Android

As the most popular mobile OS on the planet, Android offers an unprecedented range of handsets at a variety of price points. There's an Android to suit every wallet.

About android

As a consequence support for Android from software developers and media owners is second only to one: iOS. You can find every app you could possibly desire in Google Play, and you can purchase music and movies from a variety of sources.

Android offers a level of customisation to both end user and hardware manufacturer. Not all Androids are the same, far from it. But the sheer popularity of Android devices means that there are lots of compatible third-party devices and accessories for Android.

Most importantly, after all this time the Android experience is now good. Like all major mobile OSes Android is good-looking and intuitive, at least in the more recent flavours.

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